Student´s initiative led to installation of solar panels in his school. (Jun 27, 2019)

Hemal Arora, a student from United World College South East Asia in Singapore, was concerned about the immense electricity consumption at his school. Together with seven other Grade 10 students, started the project of getting solar panels for their school.

The project has raised enough money to fund 83 solar panels. Their goal is to install 1,130 panels! Read the entire article here:

It is fabulous to see how children around the world are taking initiative to do something for nature and the planet. The Fridays for Future movement, initiated by Greta Thunberg, has reached outstanding results creating awareness. Children like Hemal Arora go even further taking the issue of climate change into his own hands and creating a practical solution right at his school.

By installing solar panels on schools, clean local energy is produced. In addition, it can be used as an educational tool. For this reason, Solar for Schools helps schools obtain solar energy and provides energy and carbon literacy education. We currently work in the UK, Germany, and India and we are expanding to other countries to be able to help students like Hemal Arora achive this goal.

We believe in empowering and inspiring children and students to fight climate change and protect the planet. It all works as a domino effect where teachers, parents and other family members get involved to create sustainable communities.

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